He was due May 20th, well actually Riley was due but she is still waiting in heaven and Parker decided to come and surprise us instead ;) I tried to be patient all week, waiting for our baby to come when he was ready but after a week decided that a little black cohosh just might do the trick. With the permission of my midwife, I took some cohosh on Sunday afternoon and by 2:30pm I was having regular contractions. By 10pm they had slowed down quite a bit and we suspected we were just having a false start. My parents had shown up by then but then went to sleep at Melissa and Jared's so we could get some rest. At 11:30pm labor had definitely started with contractions about 5 minutes apart.
With Jeff as the best labor coach I could have ever asked for, we pushed forward through each contraction one by one. The shower, yoga ball and ultimately the birth tub were my saving graces through the intensity and pain of my contractions.
Finally at 5am Monday morning Jeff asked Tiffany, my midwife, mentor and friend, to come and check on us. She showed up and I was 6cm dilated. I knew there was still a lot of work to be done so back the the birth tub I went. An hour later I needed to push!! My instincts carried me to the toilet to try to push and my water broke immediately. At that point I knew things were happening fast. Jeff called my mom and Tiffany called Megan to come assist her, neither of them made it in time! Parker was born 7 minutes and 4 pushes later, without a scratch and without a peep!
He was such a peaceful baby and indeed, he was a HE! We were all in shock that his parts were male, but so excited he was safe and healthy and here.
My parents and Megan came in a minute too late and joined in the shock of the fast birth and little boy that had filled Riley's spot. Jeff proved to be a wonderful birth assistant when Tiffany had no other choice but to ask him for the help she needed.
All in all, our Father in heaven was definitely looking down on us with protection and love. Without Him I would have not made it through labor. He definitely has many things He is teaching Jeff and I right now, luckily we have each other to look to for strength and support.
Parker is thriving and doing well, back up to birth weight, 7lb12oz, eating, pooping and sleeping so perfectly. No complaints here. Its hard work and there are sleepless hours but I wouldn't trade them for all the chocolate, kittens, beach days or ice cream in the world.